NYX Professional Makeup - New Releases


NYX Professional Makeup have recently released a whole heap of new products and oh my goodness they are awesome ! Some of their new releases include the Cosmic Metals Lip Creams, Lip Lustre Glossy Lip Tints, Total Control Drop Foundation, No Filter Finishing Powder and a Highlight and Contour Palette. So let's get straight into it !

Cosmic Metals Lip Creams
These lip creams are definitely not for the fainthearted ! The colours are super pigmented, bright and sparkly. The colours include a hot pink, purples, blues, greys and a gold. For some colours, I found application a bit easier than others as some tended to be a bit patchy. The ones with the best application and coverage were Speed Of Light (a rose gold shade), Fuchsia Fusion (a hot pink shade) and Ultraviolet  (a dark purple shade). All of the formulas feel a bit tacky on the lip as they are a thicker formula. They have great shine and a really cool metallic/shimmer finish.
L-R: Speed Of Light, Fuchsia Fusion, Asteroid Aura, Ultraviolet,
Electromagnetic, Dark Nebula, Galactic
L-R: Speed Of Light, Fuchsia Fusion, Asteroid Aura, Ultraviolet,
Electromagnetic, Dark Nebula, Galactic

Lip Lustre Glossy Lip Tints
I really, really like these lip tints. I'm all for a lip product that's not drying, comfortable and lasts all day and these lip tints are just that. The colours are pigmented and go on really nicely. If you like really bright colours than there's heaps in this range for you. Personally, I'm into more nude shades so I'm planning on picking up the nude shades in the range too. I tried swatching the shades but they ended up staining my arm so much that it just didn't work haha. The texture of them is like a thicker gloss and they have a nice shine to them which you can matte slightly by blotting with a tissue.

Highlight and Contour Palette 
When this palette arrived, the top left shade was shattered and I was feeling a bit disappointed. But then I came across a method of fixing it with rubbing alcohol and voilà, it was as good as new. So the palette has eight shades: four light shades for highlighting and four dark shades for contouring. With the light shades, there's a shimmer, highlighter shade, a fair shade, a banana yellow shade and a peachy shade. With the dark shades, there are two warm shades and two cooler shades. I personally like to use cooler tones shades as my skin tone is quite light and this looks the most natural on me. The packaging of this palette is really nice and it's all hard plastic so this would be really great for traveling. Also, you can pop out each pan and move them around or replace them. Winning !

No Filter Finishing Powder
The texture of this powder is so nice ! It's a really fine, silky smooth, velvety texture and feels pretty weightless on the face. I like to use this power to set my makeup and it helps to make it last longer and keep my makeup matte. The powders come in heaps of shades for a flawless finish.

Total Control Drop Foundation 
I loove the packaging of this foundation ! The bottles are frosted and have a screw top with a dropper attached. The idea of this foundation is that you can adjust the coverage of the foundation using the dropper. For a lighter coverage foundation, you use a few drops or for a fuller coverage foundation, you use four or five drops. The foundation is really light weight and has a nice matte, velvety texture. The foundation comes in 24 shades ranging from very fair to deeper tones. One thing I love about NYX is that they make shades of makeup for people with darker skin tones. 
You can pick up all of these brand spanking new releases from Priceline either now or very soon ! This is the first time I've tried NYX and I was really impressed ! The products are pretty affordable and you get great value for your money. They have a great shade range and their products are super pigmented. Love, love love !

* These products were sent to me from NYX Cosmetics with no requirements to review them. I chose to review these products and all the thoughts expressed throughout this post are my own.

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